3 dBd Gain Base Station Antenna for 150 MHz band


This meticulously constructed base station antenna with integrated multipurpose mounting bracket comes with a generous bandwidth which reduces the need for multiple antennas both in stock and on installation sites.

  • High power antenna design
  • Customer specified center frequency in X version
  • No groundplane needed



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Weight: Max. 1.7 kg


Cable: Max. 1.7 kg
Bandwidth: For X version: Approx. 5 % of the specified Centre Frequency (CF)
VSWR: < 1.5:1
Polarisation: Vertical
Gain: 3 dBd, 5.1 dBi
Max Power: 100 W

Ordering information

22310-004A 118-124 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004B 124-130 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004C 130-136 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004D 136-142 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004E 142-149 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004F 149-156 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004G 156-163 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004H 163-174 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004J 170-177 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

22310-004K 218-225 MHz (Individually packing in Carton tube)

Packaging information

TYPE See “Part No.”

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[pdf-embedder url=”https://renaironline.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/scan-BASE301-ABCDEFGHJX.pdf” title=”scan-BASE301 A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:J:X”]

Download Data Sheet HERE



If you need any further information please contact our
Friendly Sales Team at +44 (0)208 965 3001